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OECD教育統計(Education at a Glance 2005)




Education at a Glance 2005 - Tables

Indicator A1: Educational attainment of the adult population
Indicator A2: Current upper secondary graduation rates
Indicator A3: Current tertiary graduation rates
Indicator A4: What 15-year-olds can do in mathematics
Indicator A5: What 15-year-olds can do in problem solving
Indicator A6: Between- and within-school variation in the mathematics
performance of 15-year olds
Indicator A7: Mathematics and science achievement of eighth-grade
students (2003 and 1995)
Indicator A8: Labour force participation by level of educational attainment
Indicator A9: The returns to education: education and earnings
Indicator A10: The returns to education: links between education,
economic growth and social outcomes

Indicator B1: Educational expenditure per student
Indicator B2: Expenditure on educational institutions relative to
Gross Domestic Product
Indicator B3: Public and private investment in educational institutions
Indicator B4: Total public expenditure on education
Indicator B5: Support for students and households through public subsidies
Indicator B6: Expenditure in institutions by service category and by
resource category

Indicator C1: Enrolment in education from primary education to adult life
Indicator C2: Participation in secondary and in tertiary education
Indicator C3: Foreign students in tertiary education
Indicator C4: Education and work status of the youth population
Indicator C5: The situation of the youth population with low levels of
Indicator C6: Participation in continuing education and training

Indicator D1: Total intended instruction time for students in primary
and secondary education
Indicator D2: Class size and ratio of students to teaching staff
Indicator D3: Teachers’ salaries
Indicator D4: Teaching time and teachers’ working time
Indicator D5: Public and private providers
Indicator D6: Institutional differentiation
Indicator D7: Age and gender distribution of teachers, and staff
employed in education


Coding of Missing Data (UOE Source)
Annex 1 - Characteristics of the Educational Systems
Annex 2 - Reference Statistics
Annex 3: Sources, methods and technical notes
Chapter A: The output of educational institutions and the impact of learning
Chapter B: Financial and human resources invested in education
Chapter C: Access to education, participation and progression
Chapter D: The learning environment and organisation of schools

Online Education Database